Thursday 20 October 2011


Classification categories and markings

What does the board do?
The classification board is reliable for the certain ratings given to the different types of films and computer games that are distributed in Australia. They rate a variety of different films and games using the classification rating of G, PG, M, MA 15+, R 18+ and X18+. They are also responsible for the consumer advice previewed at the beginning of each film and game. From violence, coarse language, drug use etc. The consumer advice is produced to help you be informed in what you are about to watch.

How important is context in the decision making process?
The importance of the classification decision is being informed correctly on what type of context is being produced. Consumer advice warns the viewers on what type of context is being shown, and without that the audience would have a rough figuring out if this film or game is suitable for them.

“For example, having coarse language in a trailer for an upcoming Disney Pixar Film without being informed beforehand in the classification menu”

How is impact assessed?
Certain impact is assessed to different types of viewers. The classification menu shows different types of genre and text that can cause an impact the viewers opinion. By placing consumer advice the viewers are aware of what certain genres are being viewed.

Research some of the decisions the board has made in recent years. What content has been refused classification or needed to be dmended?
-          Originally the video games could not be rated R 18+ but only M 15+. In July and August 2011 this was changed by the power of the Attorney Generals, agreeing that R 18+ should be available at the end of 2011.

Left for dead 2, Mortal combat, Postal 1+2, Manhunt, Silent hill etc”

Films that have been banned in Australia
“Assassins, House of the Dead, A Serbian film, Pretty sloppy, House of the dead, Mortal Combat etc”

Tuesday 13 September 2011

UNDEAD: Essay response

Pre – Production
Undead is a low budget film about the unknown regular occurrence of the continuous wave of zombies attacking innocent civilians in Australia. With such a low budget they had to create many different ways of producing the criteria needed in the script. Everything had to be planned according to their budget, from sets, costumes, cameras, props etc. Production Designer Matthew Putland and Costume Designer Chintamani Aked along with Director of Photography Andrew Strahorn worked extremely closely to create interior designs. The interior locations were built from scratch, many created for practical purposes such as the staging of the many action and gore set pieces. The team worked non-stop for 10 weeks to create the zombies and unique creatures.

During the production phrase they started to work with everyone during the production crew to produce what was needed in the script. The film showcased a number of up and coming Australian talent including Felicity Mason who plays the film’s lead Rene. During filming, the cast and crew fought freezing cold condition shooting at night while in the rain during winter.  After the photography phrase, a second group would continue shooting for 19 days.  With the smaller group, shooting became long and extremely difficult.  A number of different scenes and action sequences still had to be shot including a car crash at night. However, the most difficult wasn’t filming it was the visual effects.

Post – Production
Over 305 visual effects were created for the film taking over eight months. Many of the effects were created on Peter’s and Michael’s laptop. The processes in creating these effects were slow and extremely frustrating.  The end result was a film that was created with low budget, and given the image of a high budget horror film.   

Thursday 8 September 2011

Help wanted:


Advertisers work for certain businesses, government and non profit organisations to convince consumers to purchase their product. By using certain product placements in various locations they enhance the consumer’s needs and wants.

Essential job functions:
-          Creative
-          Understanding of the process needed
-          Communication
-          Persuasive

RMIT offers a bachelor of advertising course at their city campus which takes 3 years to complete. This course allows you to work in the media, such as in film, television, newspaper, radio and magazines etc.

Video Producer:

Video producers work with certain businesses and companies to produce what is needed in the script given. They work closely with lighting producers, advertisers, and graphic designers. Creativity is a major factor needed to produce videos.

Essential job functions:
-          Creativity
-          Producing
-          Editing
-          Communication
-          Understanding of the process given

To be able to qualify for this job you must have the essentials of using Adobe Premiere, Photoshop, PowerPoint, after effects, camera recording, encoding, workflow, Mac, Pc, Microsoft word and Excel.

Graphic Designer:

Graphic designers create visual designs by constructing layouts for newspapers, magazines, websites, and other publications. Graphic designers need to be experienced in computer softwares to help construct their designs.

Essential job functions:
-          Editing
-          Design
-          Creativity
-          Computer tech
To be able to qualify for Graphic designer course, you must do a degree in Graphic Design for 3 years. Also an interview may take place where the individual will need to produce a folio of their previous work.


A reporter is a type of Journalist that creates articles or reports to publish. Reporters may work with newspapers, magazines, televisions, radios and the internet. By reporting on certain news happening around the world they produce information for the viewers.

Essential job functions:
-          Listening skills
-          Communication
-          Creativity
-          Writing skills
-          Editing

To qualify as a reporter in Australia, you may need a university degree in journalism.

Music industry:

The music industry can consist of many branches, from playing instruments, producing a song, composing, and editing. You may also enter a music school situated in Melbourne.

Essential job functions:
-          Music editing
-          Composing
-          Producing

You will develop knowledge and skills in music performance, sound recording and production, and the music business. There is a course lasting three years full time.

Tuesday 2 August 2011


The producer role controls most of the film according to what is needed. They tend to almost anything from basic budget payments, supplies, scripts etc. By changing and developing many decisions on and off the set the producer becomes a vital role for what the film may turn into.

- Develops budgets ( music, theater, publicity, costumes, sets etc )
- Production schedules
- Arranges meetings, rehearsals and auditions
- They are in command, and control the prodution environment
- They work with all of the production team to produce what is necessary

The compositor role is awarded with the right to change and develop images. With stunning 2D and 3D designs they compose a different effect for each image using Visual effects. By working besides the lighters they develop new lighting pictures with 3D effects. The compositor is neccasary to give the film a strong feel within the theme.

- Responsible for areas in animation
- Render computer animation, special effects, graphics, 2D animation, live action, etc
- They combine all the elements needed to produce a final image suitable for the film
- They work closely with lighters to produce a 3D light effect.
Post Production

Camera operator:
Working with film cameras, the Camera operator supplies the producer stunning pictures that inspire or enhance the audience. By operating within a studio or location the camera operator captures a mixture of images needed for the film. Working with lighting directors, artistic directors and producers they follow the script if needed to operate under certain circumstances and produce a final image.

- Uses digital, electronic and film cameras
- The work is usually in a studio capturing what is placed on the script
- Recording and taking pictures on sight
- They work with lighting directors, artistic directors, director, producers etc.

Computer effects:
The computer effect role is used to enhance the scene using effects and illusions. By working with camera designers, audio and sound designers they produce a variety of effects that change the scene given.

- Creates effects and illusions in movies
- Most visual effects are created in post production
- They work with camera designers and audio + sound desingers.
Post production

Lighting supervisor:
By being the most senior role in the lighting department they work with a variety of the production team. Given a script to follow they design the specific look required for each shot taken. Working within the production team the lighting supervisor gets assistants when needed from Gaffers and sparks to produce an amazing final piece.

- Using the script, they produce lighting in suitable places
- Lighting is a crucial part of the production as it gives what is happening in the scene
- They work with alot of production team from production designer, costume designer, camera designer, sound designer and makeup designer.
Pre production

Monday 1 August 2011

Om nom nom.

 1. Where did the idea for Jaws originate? How did it become a film? Who contributed to the screenplay?
The idea of Jaws originated from the past experience of Peter Benchley as he discovered the interesting book of a shark fisherman who caught a Great White Shark off Long Beach Island. Peter benchley and Carl Gottlieb contributed to the screenplay of Jaws.

2. Why were particular scenes removed from the film?The scenes that were decided to be removed were to gory with an unpleasent sight for the viewers, so disgarding the scene was the choice.

3. During the pre-production stage what sort of footage did the producers commission in preparation for the film? How was the script changed as a result of this footage?
Peter Speilberg went to Australia to film scenes of real life active sharks in the ocean. But major problems processed as the shark chose not to bite on the cage as it was placed underwater. Soon after one shark was accidentally hooked, struggling around near the cage it gave a illusion that the shark attacking the cage was real footage. With that changing scene the producers used it in the film.

4. What was involved during the casting process?
Some of the main character invloved during the casting process of Jaws were:
Chief brody - Roy Scheider
Hooper - Richard Dreyfuss
Quint - Robert Shaw
Ellen - Lorraine Gary

5. What is location scouting? Why did Steven Spielberg choose the locations for the film?
Location scouting is where the director finds a suitable setting to film the movie. It is a vital piece for the pre production stage as it shows the feel of the scene. Australia and a small town called Amity were the choices that the directors chose.

6. Describe how actors contributed to the production of Jaws.
Actors produce a vital role in the feel of the scene given. With a given dialogue they show great understanding of the role and can sometimes improvise to give more suspence. "We are gonna need a bigger boat"

7. What does a composer do? What considerations were taken into account when writing the music for Jaws?
A composer writes the music piece of different choices arranging from films, music, tv radio etc. John Williams took into consideration that the movie needed music fit with suspence thus coming up with the idea of the low to high key notes. "Duh-dun-duh-dun-duh-dun"

8. What did Spielberg do as a result of test screenings?
Spielberg did a test screening at a shopping district that resulted positive feedback.

9. What is a director of photography? How was the director of photography involved in the production of Jaws?
The director of photography is someone who supervisors the filming of the movie. The cinematographer created equipment specifically for the process of the film, with a hand held camera operator.

10. What does an editor do? Who was the editor on Jaws and what was her responsibility?
The editor corrects the manuscript, cutting in places to find out a suitable scene within the film.

The producer had to assist the director in any ways possible.

12. What does the producer do once principal photography has finished?
The producer double checks the photos before starting the main filming.

13. What did the production designer do on the film?
The production designer found the town Lake Amitty in the film.